
Plating process (14)

Hfly 2023. 12. 18. 00:16

Void Defect:


Weak agitation -> Review spray pump settings / Nozzle cleaning / Filter replacement.


Weak agitation accelerates detachment near the hole's opening, making voids more likely to form.

If the nozzle and filter inlet are blocked, agitation weakens, leading to void formation.

High current density -> Reduce current density.


High current density accelerates detachment near the hole's opening, making voids more likely to form.

Low additive concentration -> Increase additive concentration.


High additive concentration -> Dummy plating / Activated carbon filter treatment.


When the additive concentration goes beyond the control range, the balance of additive action is disrupted.

Impurities -> Dummy plating / Activated carbon filter treatment.


Impurities hinder the action of additives.

Extended idle time (+ high temperature during idle period) -> Dummy plating with chillers during idle state.


Prolonged high-temperature idle conditions can lead to degradation of additives.

We have discussed the dimple and void defects and their respective causes in troubleshooting. In the upcoming part of the electroless plating series, we will continue with further explanations.
